Mount Pigsah Waterfall

Mount Pigsah Waterfall
One of my personal favorite picture is from a trip taken to Asheville, NC for exclusively photography. The scene escapes the hustle and bustle of every day life and and adds a nice calming factor.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Caught up in the Moment

It's actually interesting when you think about it; how much time do we spend taking pictures that we don't enjoy the actual event? I personally find myself in this situation very often. I thoroughly enjoy taking pictures, however I get too caught up in my photography so I cannot enjoy the actual event.

"Gotta get this picture." "How can I get a cool perspective on this shot?" "Come on gotta have top-of-the-line pics!"

These are many things going through my head when taking pictures at events, or even just for fun. Sometimes, we should stop and think, "What is actually going on? and how can I, still being a photographer, still be involved in the event."

This may just be me with this mindset, however I feel like there are many photographers that get almost too caught up in the moment when they cannot enjoy the occasion.

I thought I'd include some of my favorite shots from Asheville, NC along with this article.

So, here ya go:

Just happened to be in the right place at the right time for this one (1/2500 SS)

This is one of my all time favorite shots:

Thanks for reading!